You may have noticed a trend lately with my projects...I have fallen in love with buttons! They are the perfect little embellishment to finish off a project. They add a bit of dimension and texture to a project, are super-cheap, and work for both masculine and feminine projects. Here is my button collection. To give you an idea of how cost effective buttons are...those bags retail for $5.99 before they go on sale and that tube of cream buttons came from Hobby Lobby (the sewing area) for $2.47 so you get a LOT of effect for pennies.

It was requested that I share how I add buttons onto my projects. There isn't anything earth-shattering about my method, but it is super-fast and easy so I thought it would be worth a quick tutorial.
Step 1. Figure out your placement for your buttons on your project.

Step 2. Place a push pad or mouse pad under the area where you want to attach your buttons and hold them in place while you pierce your papers using a paper-piercer (if you don't have a paper-piercer...go buy one now!!! They are available from Making Memories for only $2.99 and I would easily pay 5 times that for as much as I use's an invaluable tool and sooooo much easier than trying to pierce your papers with just your needle.)

Step 3. Remove your buttons from your project, but line them up over to the side the way that they go onto your project so that you don't forget which button went where.

Step 4. Thread your needle. Personally I like to double-thread mine because it creates a stronger presense to the threads showing on top of your buttons. (hint: all you need is white can always color it with inkpads if you need something a different color.)

Step 5. Place a knot in the end of your threaded needle. Because you have used a piercer on your papers, your hole is bigger than a normal needle hole. As a result, you will need a large knot like is shown here...I knot mine 3-4 times.

Step 5. Sew on your buttons. Once through each button is plenty to hold it.

Step 6. Place a knot at the end of your work. Once again this will need to be a big knot so do it 3-4 times.

Voila, you are done! Some people don't like their threads to show, so if you are one of those, you could add another piece of cardstock to the backside of your piece. Personally, I am not that much of a perfectionist. ;)
-patterned paper: MME Tres Jolie
-buttons: MME Tres Jolie
-cardstock: Bazzill
-butterfly punch: Martha Stewart
-square scallop punch: Marvy Uchida
-lace: Hobby Lobby
-text paper: old dictionary from flea market
And now a little teenage angst story for you. Thursday afternoon, Jacob and I were in the car and he was telling me about his day and the horror of being a 7th grader. The conversation went something like this:
Jacob: "In social studies today, we learned that bull private parts are a delicacy in some 3rd world countries. That's just wrong!"
Me: "They do that in Texas too...remember to never eat calf fries."
Jacob: *shock-horror look*
---aside...I have raised Jacob right...he thinks that Texas is a kind of Utopia and if anyone asks, that is where he will tell you he is from although he has never actually lived there. I think that Texas has shrunk a little in his mind have a few of his body parts with the thought about it all. LOL!---
Jacob: "Then we went to science and spent the day talking about male reproduction organs." *nervous laugh* "It was not a good day for the guys."
LOL! You have to love being in 7th grade.
Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the lock-in last night. I got a call yesterday morning from the school nurse and Jacob has the flu. Poor kid has been quarantined to his room. He is feeling a bit better today so hopefully he is on the road to recovery. I have to admit I am feeling a bit nervous and agoraphobic (that's the right word isn't it...scared about germs...) If there was ever a time when I cannot get the flu, now would be it. Kat is too active and in need of constant attention so that she doesn't get hurt and as a single parent right now, I am the only person to do it. *eek*
I hope that you are having a fun weekend!