To be eligible this week, you need to go to the Unity Stamp Co. website and find your favorite stamp kit. There are so many gorgeous ones...it is fun to go over there and drool and get inspired. I am so excited about so many of these...I should have a box of them sitting on my front porch when I get home so be watching this spot for some new Unity artwork soon!! :)
And I just had to share this photo with you. My SIL Kara is a professional photographer and yesterday she took the kids out for a photo shoot. She sent me this one last night of Little Bit. Now remember this is totally un-edited...it is one of those photos that is just so sweet. Kat isn't too sure about strangers and has been very leery of my family the whole week. Within the last couple of days she has finally started to warm up to them, but this photo yesterday was one of the very last one's taken. The look on her face just seems to symbolize how kind of unsure and not quite happy about it that she has been all week. I love this photo!!! BTW, she had her first tooth break through on Saturday too!!!
I just got an email from Cookie Sunshine and she was asking me what we are having today for Shake Friday and I realized that I forgot to remind you to go get your shake today. We haven't decided where we are going yet. Jacob is voting for Starbucks for frappuccinos (don't worry...no caffeine for him...he likes the strawberries and cream...the caffeine ones are saved for Kat! LOL!), but I think that others in the family are voting for real ice cream shakes so we will see.
And speaking of Cookie Sunshine, you need to go visit her blog! She was so nice to feature my book that I made for DH earlier in the week. She has all kinds of fun eye-candy on there...you need to go check it out!!! I can promise you that you will be inspired!!!
I'll be back Sunday or Monday!