Our two baby dove's. They were born while we were in Texas.
Let me preface this by saying that I am truly very lucky right now. When I found out I was pregnant, I was kind of at a crossroads. I have always been very involved with Jacob's schools and volunteering on base, but at that point in time I was at a point where I was burnt out and needed a break so I called it quits to all of my volunteer positions to focus on myself (so I could simply sleep away all that pregnancy nausea) and on Kat. And since she was born, I haven't changed that...if anything, I have become even more of a hermit. I don't really have any outside obligations and right now I don't have a husband coming home everyday, so I can literally stay home all day in my pj's and craft. I try not to do that very often (you know, we don't want the neighbors talking about the crazy hermit that lives here), but it is an option. So there is not too much in my life to cause stress...
...but stressed I am and I am finding that I am becoming more and more ADD as the days go on. We are halfway through Ben's deployment which means that stuff is going to go wrong. This last weekend, it meant that my washing machine died (thank goodness I can wear pj's all day since I have nothing clean!) hmmm, not exactly what I had planned for my income tax refund, but at least we had it. So yesterday I bought a new washer/dryer to be delivered this Saturday...now I am wondering if we will be able to get them through that door and around Ben's motorcycle, which I have no way to move (must figure out how to unlatch the screen door from it's springs and chains so it will open fully)...
We are also moving as soon as Ben gets back which means that we have been trying to find a house to rent via internet. That alone is literally sucking hours out of my day. At any given time, I will have 5 windows open on my computer...one on email with Ben, one on a house, one on a school reviews website, one on mapquest checking out neighborhoods, and usually one other random thing like washing machines or cat health websites(that's the ADD kicking in...have I mentioned that Junior is sick too?) But, I think just maybe, we might have a house (see, I probably just jinxed it there...)
I literally have not created in 3 days?!?! and I have so much to do and my creative muse is actually cooperating. I counted up this morning...I have 47 projects to have completed before Ben gets home in 2 months...47!?!?! The crazy thing is that I really already have most of them planned out in my head, but I am too ADD to sit down and get them done. I have got to de-stress!
So I thought that talking it out with you all might help a little...you know, get it all out there and let it go from my head.
And because I can't leave you with nothing but a vent, here is a card that I created while I was home. It was supposed to go in the box that I just sealed up to send to Ben, but with the ADD I totally forgot, so now it will go out in the next package.

supplies used:
*Making Memories 5th avenue
*Stamping Bella stamp
*Kim Hughes sentiment stamp
If you are still here with me after all that, thanks so much for listening and letting me vent. Now I am going to let it go and go create! I hope that you are doing the same today.
BIG, BIG hugs....I am so sorry you have all these things to deal with right now (house hunting, new washing machine, sick kitty --hope Junior is okay!). Wish I could help you out -- even if it was just to lend you my washing machine! :)
You know you are allowed to vent anytime -- and you should! You have a lot going on.
Hang in there -- hope you have a great day creating and that it de-stresses you a little!
Forgot to say -- those baby doves look so sweet!
Stress does that to me too. I've said many times that I swear I have adult add! I've just gotten that way in recent years too and it's hard. Hang in there. You are doing an amazing job and one way or another it WILL get done, at least that's what I always tell myself! :) I'm always amazed at how you find time to create so many beautiful things with a little one at home! Great job!
Christi, I'm right there with you. For the last 2 days I've looked at nothing but boxes and paperwork, been on the phone making plans/breaking plans, e-mailing here, there and everywhere. Please do vent, if only so that I don't feel like I'm the only person that has a hard time dealing with "stuff".
Now I'm off to ping back into Thomas's room to decide what goes in his hold baggage!!! (and it looks like Toys R Us).
Big HUGS to you, from another hermit (albeit, one who HAS to get dressed for the school run!!).
Vent away...that always helps me, too!
Cute card and adorable birds.
Our prayers continue, and now I'll add your next home to the list! =)
Came across you blog from visting the Unity Stamp. I was reading a bit and noticed the word Deployment! Been there myself and well I had to put a new roof on the house due to some wiced storm here in GA. and I woke up one morning to find the whole living room flooded..not to mention that my son burned his hand on the stove and was sent to a burn center in Augusta GA...not to mention that I was prego during the deployment....SO I KNOW and the baby was born on my hubs 2 week r and r. He went back when the baby was 5 days old and came home when the baby was just turning ONE. I never left my house and ordered everything off the internet! I was a hermit big time. I did not do anything but take care of the children. It is OK to do what needs to be done for YOURSELF to get through the deployment. What matters is what is right for YOU and YOUR family! Love your Card! Do not stress out to much eventhough it is easy for me to say that Now because I was stressed out! OK so hoping these few words can make you smile some and just know in this age of blogging you are not alone!!! Good luck and take a few moments to relax, breath and know that in time this will all be a wonderful memory!
Nothing wrong with being a hermit sometimes....if you and your family are happy and taken care of...no sweat. This is just a small little sliver of your life...and a difficult one too.
You've got a lot on your plate Ma'am~do what you've gotta do, for you and your crew*!*
I thought of you the other day. Mom and I were at a "junk shop" and one of the vendors was selling stacks of Victoria Magazine...issues from the 80's and 90's. Funny how classic beauty stays just that...classic beauty :)
Good luck on Sat. w/ that washer and dryer...grease up that doorway*!*
ok first...love the baby doves..so cute
second...no one expects you to be able to do it all at once and no one can, so just take it one project/day/kid/catastrophe/broken appliance/ at a time and it will work out...
it always feels good to have a good vent..
you're moving at a good time, there are plenty of homes for rent here...and really in this area...there is not a single school I've heard anything bad about...you're going to love it here!
take a deep breath, get some rest and have a glass of wine...
Doesn't it always seem to work out that way - always when they are away! Bet a new washer and dryer are gonna be awesome though! Just had a friends house burn down from the dryer catching on fire, my inlaws had to replace theirs and thankfully came home in time to turn off their overheated dryer and the hotel I stayed at in Florida had theirs blow up and fill the hotel with SMOKE. I'm terrified of dryers at the moment!
Love all the cards!
Right there with ya to on the A.D.D.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sandy :)
PS Where are you moving to?
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