I have a layout to share with you today. I am still working with the Unity Stamp Company's Together Forever stamp kit on this one and although, I am not so sure that this is a phrase that you would think of putting with siblings, I think that it works here.

As older parents to Kat, I worry that we won't be here to support her for all the milestones in her life so I am looking for Jacob to fill those rolls for her just in case. I hope that they will always be together as family, but also as friends and to be able to be the support system for each other.
supplies used:
*Unity Stamp Company Together Forever stamp kit
*Making Memories Chelsea's Place paper
And I also have been tagged with the 7 random things tag from Angela, but since I have done that one several times and I am not THAT random, I am going to do this tag with a twist. I will tell you 7 places that I have lived and random facts about my time there. BTW, before the age of 10, I never lived anywhere more than a year and a half. My dad was in the oil business and managed to work his way up the career advancement chain by moving lots. I figure it was the perfect preparation for our military life because I have always loved moving.
1. Michigan -right outside of Traverse City: some of my earliest memories (I was around age 3-4) are from there, but my main memory is the boy that lived next door standing on the swingset and peeing on me...lovely! LOL! I also remember the snowmobiles and my little red skis.
2. Amarillo, TX- I was in kindergarten there and looking back, I must have had a wonderful teacher. I remember fingerpainting and then when we were through, she told us to lick our fingers...we had been painting with pudding and didn't know it. She could take the lid off of her desk on rainy days and inside was a sandbox. I also remember I had a rust colored skirt (it was the 70's) that twirled....I loved that skirt. Kat will always have a twirly skirt.
3. Glendive, MT- (1st-3rd grade) I learned how to suck the honey out of honeysuckle there and how to make a great playhouse out of snow.
4. Midland, TX- (age 10) When we moved there, it poured buckets for days. I thought that it was the wetest place on earth and if you know anything about West Texas, you know that is the furthest thing from the truth.
5. Lubbock, TX- (college) I love that town and would move back in a heartbeat, but wouldn't necessarily want my kids to grow up there. I met my husband there, but unfortunately his memories aren't as fond of the place as mine, so I have to just settle for a visit about once a decade.
6. Ft. Dix, NJ- 1998-2001- Probably one of the most foreign places that I have ever lived. I think that everyone in this country should live on the upper East coast at least once...it gives you a lot more insight into how our country works. My favorite thing about NJ was the little flower/fruit stands on pretty much every corner...that and WaWa's- the best convenience stores ever created!!!
7. RAF Mildenhall, England- 2003-2005- My favorite place that I have ever lived. It was wonderful living in England. The culture, the history, the country, the opportunity for travel...it was a FABULOUS 2 years.
I hope that you are having a great Friday!
If it's not raining, and I don't have to wait in for the UPS man (waiting for my passport) we will be "joining" you today. We have a coffee/frozen yoghurt shop in town that has been calling us for weeks, and now it is warm enough to bike down (and school is out too).
It's always nice to hear people say they enjoyed their tour of England. We hear so many negative things, and I still remember people at RAF Alconbury swearing they would never leave the base (unless they could find a fast food joint!). I will not take for granted my time there, Thomas will be fully immersed in the culture in the next 4 years!!
Hey Christi! My internet isn't working properly so I wasn't able to write to you but I tagged you on my blog a couple of days ago. It's probably the same one from Angela. It seems like she picked the same people as me! :) Just thought I'd let you know in case you can thing of seven other things - LOL! Have a great day!
First, I have to tell you I LOVE this layout of your kiddos. I love white space and you've done it beautifully. And of course the photo is perfectly adorable! :)
Your memories from different places you've lived were so much fun to read. Sorry about the neighbor boy....hee hee...
A Blizzard sounds yummy but we're still having the other kind for our weather. Okay not a blizzard but snow, sleet, rain. Not ice cream treat weather here. Enjoy yours!
What a beautiful layout. I love black and white photos in a layout, I should do more of them.
Love how you used that photo! I truly adore that one.
A shake is a shake, if it involves ice cream, and taste good. Hee!
Do you know that I live 20 minutes from a town called Midland, MI. I knew you wanted to know that. lol
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