...that's pretty much it. Isn't that pathetic?!?! You can ask anyone in my family, I am the world's worst at sending cards. The only ones that actually make it out (usually) are the Christmas cards, but otherwise there they sit. Don't judge me. ;) But to prove that I am on my way to reforming... Kelly, email me your address and I will send one out to you (snowchris_01@yahoo.com).
And now to help wipe that ugly image from your mind, here is a bit of something pretty. :)
These were some photos that mom took in the Bury St. Edmunds gardens in England when they visited in 2003. I had to do an English layout with those Tea themed stamps.Supplies Used:
*Unity Stamp Company A Moment of Tea set
*Scenic Route Laurel paper and alpha stickers
*Scenic Route Laurel paper and alpha stickers
*Jenni Bowlin shaped paper and label
*Fiskars Threading water border punch
*Marvy Uchida Circle Scallop punch (pink one)
*Making Memories velvet flower brads and ribbon
The middle of this Tea for Two stamp is the perfect size to hold the Marvy Uchida Scallop punch (the pink one--second largest).
I hope that you all are having a good weekend. I am sitting here listening to my new washer/dryer running which normally is not something that I relish, but it's actually kind of fun when they are new. I think that I found the key for actually getting my laundry done! Think that Ben will be willing to buy me a new washer/dryer every 6 months just to keep me happy to do my laundry??? :D
LOL!! That stack of cards makes me laugh...is it okay if I laugh?? Hey -- at least you make them -- I always get these big lofty ideas about making cards in my "spare time" -- ha ha ha!
Love the beautiful layout -- as usual! :)
And can a new washer and dryer REALLY make my laundry more exciting?? I don't know that I believe it..... :)
I'm not laughing at ya cause that is exactly how all of my paintings look - stacked in a row - sitting there! pitiful!
The lo of the UK Gardens is gorgeous ~ I'd move back in a heartbeat!
Have a wonderful week!
That pile of cards is exactly why I don't make many! I usually do layouts and your English Garden one is beautiful, love all the details!
I knew I had a missing sister somewhere out in the world. I believe I have found her. shh just don't tell my mom I said that. LOL
I am horrible at mailing cards, probably why I don't even try to make any. I know their outcome. Ha!
Hey you never know, there might be a fundraiser someday soon, and you could use these cards to raise some money {card sets}, or you could bundle them up and open your own etsy store. (oh carolyn what a fab idea) LOL
Happy to hear you are enjoying the new washer and dryer. I'm working on getting a new livingroom set, too bad they just don't stop working like a washer/dryer, it would be easier to get new.
Oh no, you can't do that!! You should sell those beautiful cards if you don't send them out!! I had to laugh at the stack too because I really didn't see that coming! LOL
Thanks, I'll email you!!
I agree, throw them on Ebay deary!! They would at least get you some more supplies with the profit! Then you can create more, isn't that what it's all about anyway! MIss you!
I think that's why I don't bother making cards, they'd just sit there in a stack. LOL
Ha! Your stack of cards looks like mine! heehee. I love to make 'em but am horrible about sending them out.
The stamps work so well with the layout, great work!
Rae :)
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