He's a fantastic kid, even as a pre-teen. He has always been small though. Throughout all of his childhood, he rated in the 10% category for height, so it has always been a given that he was not going to be the tallest kid in the class. Well, at the beginning of summer, that started to change. At first it was subtle...outgrowing clothes. Then we started noticing that when he was in groups, he wasn't the smallest anymore. And just recently, when he stands by me, it truly gives me a shock.
So on Friday, we decided to start really tracking this phenomena and made a mark at his height on the wall. This morning, he and his dad were getting ready to go and he was standing by me again and I remarked upon the fact that it looks like he has grown again so we went to the wall and this is what we found...
OMG! That first mark is from 11-9-07 (not 06---as in TWO DAYS AGO!!!) and then today's mark. That is over 3/4" in TWO DAYS!?! How is that even physically possible?!?! At this rate, he is going to be over 6' by the end of the year! Aaackkk!
I will be back later with art, gratitude, and talk of weight loss. BTW, Carolyn, I adore you! Thanks sweetie!
wow! That's amazing! I bet he's excited!
wow! that's some growth spurt!
Huh? Wow!!!! My dd has never been on the growth chart. She is always below but maintains her own curve. She needs a spurt like that!
How wonderful for him to have a growth spurt like that. I bet he's loving not being the smallest in his year group now.
So how tall is he now?
gives a whole to meaning to "they grow up so fast", wow gives me hope though I have the smallest 12 year old boy in the class as well...maybe there is hope :-)
WOW! I didn't know that could happen! Ryan has always been above the growth average (90th percentile -- eek!), but Nicholas is well below, so it's good to know that sometimes they do catch up!
It's so hard to believe that those little bitty babies we hold in our arms might possibly tower over us someday!
Holy smokes Christi that's a big growth jump... Whatcha been feeding that growing boy? LOL
and your welcome! But it was true, what I thought. wink!
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