For today's project, I went to my daughter's closet because baby clothes have amazing details that can be so inspiring. These are 2 outfits that I have bought recently and I was struck by the color combination. I love that teal blue & purple combo so I copied it on my project. I also liked the little butterfly and it worked with the theme of my project.

The project that was inspired by these clothes is an altered journal for the upcoming {21} day challenge that Rhonna's hosting. It's a 7 gypsies 6x10 journal and the papers are DCWV & Making Memories.

I have had a lot of fun doing this series and giving you a bit of insight into where I find creativity. Hopefully, it has helped you to see the creative possibilities of the world around you...
Now on to the {21} day challenge that Rhonna is hosting. For those of you that have never heard of this, she has done 8 editions of this series before. I have participated in 3 of them including the first which you can see on my blog in the archives starting here.
The premise behind the challenge is that it takes 21 days of doing something to make it a habit and by creating an art journal while changing that habit, you are also making it a habit to create everyday which in turn, boosts your creativity. I LOVE these challenges. You can read more about it on Rhonna's site. The new challenge will start this weekend, the 15th. I will tell you more about my habits to change tomorrow.
Oh Christi, that journal is just fab (and the inspiration is so cute too), just love the colours.
Thanks so much for this inspiration series, it has been so interesting and!!
the 21 days thing sounds interesting to, I'll just check back in your archives....
Aren't you so happy you have a little girl in your life now? There is nothing better then little girls clothing. And look at you, you can find inspiration from it too. You can't beat that.
Love your "challenge" book, it's so beautiful. I would love to jump on board and do this one, but I need some more time added to my day to start this one. I may have to live this one through you. I know you will keep me impressed with what you do.
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