1. Little Bit here is getting VERY close to starting to move/scootch around. I have no idea how I will ever get anything done when that happens!?!
2. She has taken to where she REALLY likes her own voice. When she starts getting tired she will holler at the top of her lungs. She isn't crying...just yelling. It's about to drive me batty!
3. Last night was Jacob's open house. All of his teachers said that he has shown them pictures of Kat so they were happy to see her in person. You have to love that he loves her so much! BTW, they also said that he is doing REALLY well in school...Yay!

4. Today is game #2 for the team. Unfortunately, they lost the first game and he didn't get to play. We are hoping that is changing on both accounts today. BTW, today's is an away game which means a different uniform (and it actually fits, unlike his home game uniform shown here!) An aside for mom & dad...I keep forgetting to tell you ...his school are the Bulldogs with Blue & White as the school colors. I thought that was pretty cool!
5. Not so excited about the fact that he came home last night with his arm bruised where he had been punched during soccer practice. Finger lines were visible...not too sure that I am liking Jr. High!
Oh my goodness Kat is getting big! What a cutie pie she is Christi! I'm sorry she's making you a little batty -- but I had to chuckle! All of my kids are loud (I swear they inherited it from their father!) -- drives me batty on a daily basis!
Glad to hear Jacob is doing well and it is absolutely the sweetest thing that he shares pictures of Kat. I'm sorry about the bruised arm though -- and hope he will be able to play in the game!
Big hugs --
She's looking absolutely gorgeous Christi and I can't get over how grown-up Jacob is looking!
You are about to discover that little girls make so much more noise that little boys. Mostly.
They get real chatty, never shut up. They squeel with delight. The laugh at everything. This is just the beginning practice for Kat.
I smiled that he shows and tells his baby sister.
So sweet.
Thanks for the update. ADORABLE!!!!
Some good looking kids in that family!
Did she grow over night or what? Oh my she is getting big quickly, but with a cute smile like that she is just too adorable. And, I do have to say Jacob is looking quite older in his picture too. Boy our child just grow up too fast.
Love your pics. How fast the kids grow.Check out my blog as I have tagged you for 7 Random Things. Hope you can do it.Alison
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