So while we have been shopping for Jacob's school supplies, I have been sneaking in a few goodies for me too. One has been, get this, purple graph paper! I just knew that I could do something creative with it and this little project is what I came up with:

This little book is made up of the GinX office supply line...the super steno book coasters. I simply covered them with Kraft cardstock and decorated them using the Collage Press Fresh papers and those Purple Onion Flea Market stamps. I then cut that fun purple graph paper the correct size to fit in the book in the various sections and I have a fun little book to carry around and draw sketches in when I get inspired. I really like it. BTW, I added one of the 7gypsies elastic bands around the center to hold it all together when I throw it in my purse.
Responding to messages...
anonymous...I know that not all the cj's have made it back, BUT I do think that they have all been accounted for, except for, ironically enough, MINE!!! I had posted a thread on the Cottage with the tracking for all of them (and by the way, I spent hours going through old threads and messages trying to figure out where they were in the circle) which unfortunately has been lost with the shutting down of the mb. I don't know why I didn't keep a copy of it somewhere on my computer (duh! moment here!) Hopefully they are all headed home...I have done all that I can do and quite honestly, I GIVE UP! So, unless you want to sign your name, don't anonymously harrass me. I have done all the work on this that I am going to do. I tracked down the one's that were supposed to be coming to me. I think it is sad that this group which was full of extremely talented individuals fell apart to the point of disrespecting other people's art/time and I don't have a problem signing my name to that. Enough said!
Alison...I agree with Theresa that your best option would be to create pockets on your scrapbook pages for your travel brochures. You can create them the appropriate size so that you can slide them in and out. Just cut a rectangle the appropriate size and put adhesive along the bottom and sides. Give me a call if you want to discuss it further...or I can call you. I have been wanting to chat cardmaking with you anyway. :)
I hope that you all have a fun week planned. For those of you that have kids going back to school, go buy some fun new school supplies for yourself too!
Another super fab project, you are on a roll right now. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes the school/office supply aisle!!!
Christie, this is a gorgeous little book! I love how the pages are uneven, very cool!
And I wouldn't worry about pests who post anomously like no one knows whos really posting...pfft... Evs.
Cute book today, and thanks to you and Theresa for the scrapbook idea. That helps!
Strangely enough, Christi - Daniel STILL goes to the toy section. I think it's just the little boy in him. LOL :)
No race today... maybe tomorrow.
But, I love that book you are showing today, super cute! So glad you had to go school supply shopping. hee hee
Are the Purple Onion stamps the unmounted ones? Do you mount them with cushion? I REALLY love the ones you are using, but don't have any unmounted stamps except the Bo Bunny tins. Your stuff is awesome.
Your sketch book is so wonderful! I love everything you've made with the Collage Press papers! And purple graph paper??? Sign me up! I too LOVE school and office supplies. It is a weird sickness...but at least we're not alone!!! ;)
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