So, without further ado, now I get to share my vacation photos with you. I think I have limited it to 12 of them... out the 300 that came home on my camera. That isn't even counting the 3 other disks full of photos that came off my sister-in-law's and mom's cameras. :)
To start, of course you have to see one of Miss Cuteness herself. I am amazed at how much more interactive that she became in the 2 weeks we were gone. Just talking and smiling and the child was a perfect angel while we were traveling!!!
When we got into town, my grandfather had just come back from a vacation with my parents so he spent the next week in Midland to visit with us. It was wonderful to visit with him (and my Aunt LaRayma who made the trip down for the weekend too). Kat was enraptured with him. She was just laughing and talking to him.
My parents have an amazing backyard that is a boy's paradise. We spent many hours back there fishing and watching Jacob run the remote-controlled boat in the pond.
My parents fishing together with the Barbi know my dad REALLY does have some nice fishing gear...LOL!
This was the first time that I had gotten to meet my niece Mia...she is cuteness personified. I think that Nana was enjoying her grandkid cuddles...
Even when she isn't feeling well, she is just the sweetest thing.
And her older sister Emily is already in training to be the best mom. Here she is snuggling Kat...
And here are just some random shots of my parents yard...
Their back porch is covered with an open trelis that is covered with these beautiful trumpet vines...
And here are my brothers (yes, they are twins) with the two eldest grandkids, Jacob and Emily...
My sister-in-law Kara getting her baby snuggles...
And my sister-in-law Alison getting her baby snuggles...
How fun to see your pictures and relive it all!!! I can't believe you have a picture of me with the Barbie fishing pole--I was just holding it for someone else when a fish took hold! We miss you lots--the house is much too quiet now.
Love ya, MOM
Beautiful pictures Christi! Kat and Grandpa is to cute for words.
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