The journaling says:
It's no secret. You were not a planned event in our lives and it was a bit of a shock when we found out about you. Shortly after I found out that I was pregnant, we were eating dinner out at On the Border and all of us were trying in our own ways to come to grips with the change coming in our lives, YOU.
The discussion turned to names and what we could name you. I have no idea who came up with it, but Ichabod was suggested with Ick as the name that we would call you. It helped to be able to laugh together about the situation and for the rest of the pregnancy (or at least until we found out you were a girl) we would call you Ick off and on.
Luckily for you, you were a girl so Ichabod was off the table and luckily for us, we fell in love with you so Ick was no longer appropriate. You have won all three of us over with your nonsense rambling and your quick smiles. It is a race in the morning to get to your bed when you wake up and to be the first one to receive those beautiful smiles and cooing that you so generously share with us all. We love you little girl. No, we didn't plan for you, but God did and He knew that we needed you in our lives.
We love you Katherine Skyler Snow.
~Mom, Dad, and Jacob
Aw - what lovely journalling. :wub:
How sweet. I think what a fabulous keepsake Katherine will always have with the page you've created!
Thank goodness she was a girl.
Have a wonderful weekend. Great to see all of your creations and your posts!
Sandy :)
Christi, what a great post. How wonderful for Katherine to have this to look on as she grows up.
So sweet!
Very precious. Great picture of Kat, too.
OMGosh Christi! This is the cutest LO ever!!!!
Emily's nickname was itchy for a while. We could have had ick and itch. Hmmm....
This is so beautiful Christi, absolutely adore your journaling, and so will she:)
how adorable, what a beautiful layout
Okay...this gave me goosebumps, and you know how non-sappy I am...normally. I love the names that people come up with for their little ones - Bean, Tadpole, wee one, bowling pin (that was Emily) and another of my favorites is MLIRY. Yes...it has to be in all caps, because that's the way it looked on the fridge. Mia was MLIRY for a long, long time. Even after she was born, actually. LOL :D
What sweet and funny journalling, brought tears to my eyes, thanks for sharing.
LOVE your journaling -- and I'm sure you guessed -- I'm all teary eyed over here darn it. Kleenex warning next time please! ;)
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