We are big Gilmore Fans in this household (we, being Jacob and I) and there is an episode where Rory and Lorilai go and visit Harvard. Jacob has always loved that episode and I think secretly wanted us to have a bonding trip like that. So after months of asking, yesterday we went to visit the University of Missouri (Mizzou!) Before you ask, yes, he has been to Texas Tech, but it's been a few years....
I took about 100 photos so here is just a small (well, not really) sampling....
The great thing about visiting colleges is the architecture which is one of my favorite things to photograph. This was some tile work on the front of one of the buildings... very 60's, but I love the look of it esp. with the aging of the concrete in contrast to that gorgeous turquoise blue.
Then the next building over, Read Hall, was more indicative of the general architectural style of the majority of the old campus. Lots of stone and very European looking...just gorgeous!
Click on this photo for a better view of it. LOL! I love that they are both wearing that same exact smirk...you can see them thinking, "Here mom goes again with the camera." A very un-Lorelai thing to do...
Nothing says college like the random bicycles chained up everywhere.
He was so embarrassed that I was taking photos of him, but we were in a very secluded little sitting area...no one saw, I promise!
This was before she turned very 2-like...she was still happy here. LOL!
Then they discovered a huge ant-pile attacking leaves right below where they were sitting. I made that work to my advantage later. Whenever I needed her to cooperate with me holding her, I would point to an ant on the ground and let her know that they were going to get her and she would immediately scramble into my arms. (is that cruel? With a 2 yo, you make it work so that there are no tantrums. LOL!)
More gorgeous architecture...this is the Student Union.
It was starting to get really hot and steamy at this point and we had been walking around for about an hour so we decided to take a break on the steps in front of the library.
This is Jesse Hall where a lot of the administrative work is done for Mizzou.
Hanging out, Jesse Hall in the background. Kat was starting to get super-tired (only about a 45 min. nap on the drive in and really hot makes for an unruly 2 yo) so we were trying to give her some freedom to work out her energy by playing around in this huge green area.
The kids heading towards Jesse Hall while I photographed its gorgeous exterior. Jacob was wanting to get some campus info from here.
The porch of Jesse Hall...look at that gorgeous porch ceiling.
We had the stroller so were going to go into this building through the handicapped entrance which was directly below this porch. We got down there and started to contain Kat which ended in a serious tantrum from said 2 yo...and even more embarrassing for the 14 yo, because we were under that porch, it made her screams just echo all the more.
I sent Jacob in alone while I tried to get her calmed down. He said that you could hear her screaming all the way inside. Needless to say, he was too embarrassed to try to find someone to help him. Hmmmm, maybe this is why they didn't have any 2 yo's on Gilmore Girls (plus the fact that Lorelai doesn't like kids, although I will admit I wasn't too fond of my little one at this point either.)
It soon became clear that no more fun was going to be had so we started wrapping up the trip and heading towards the car with a couple of photo/water breaks along the way.
He was fantastic even though us girls were totally embarrassing. He even walked with us most the time. It may not have been what he had in mind, but I think that he had fun anyway....
This is Jesse Hall from a distance...
There were gorgeous flowers ALL over campus. I took LOTS of flower photos!
Headed towards the Mizzou Tiger which is where we were parked.
And no roadtrip is complete without a stop at Cracker Barrell which is where we had dinner on the way home.

Awww -- what a wonderful day you all had -- aside from the unruly two-year old moments, of course! ;) She sure looks cute and sweet in all those adorable photos! I have been to the Mizzou campus and thought it was beautiful too. However, I will be in HUGE trouble if I say anything else even remotely nice about Mizzou, as we are a Kansas University household (and they HATE each other! LOL) Great, great photos -- thanks for sharing!
What pretty pictures and adorable kids! Looks like a GREAT time!
Great pictures Christi. I also love photographing architecture. Old homes, windows and doors are some of my favorite things.
xoxo, Christine
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