These first couple of layouts are of my nieces from Halloween. Wasn't it nice of their mother to coordinate their costumes with my DT project for this month? LOL! This month we were sponsored by the awesome Li'l Davis. I love these just put the photos down on the paper and it automatically looks awesome!

Then this is a double layout using simply a Chatterbox Memory Building Kit...nothing else added. These awesome kits have the perfect mix of embellishments and patterned paper so that is all you need and the good news is that I can easily still do another 2-5 layouts from what I still have left. The photos here are from Ely Cathedral in England.

Well, my Dr's appt. on Monday went really well. I got to not only hear the heartbeat, but got an ultrasound as well so I have baby pics. I was looking at scanning them for my blog, but I honestly don't think that you will be able to tell anything because the baby is still so small. Right now it measures at 4.3 cms. The good news is that it sounds like I will probably get an ultrasound most months because I am old and high risk so I will have lots of photos to share along the way. Our next appt. is the week before Christmas and that should be timed right so that we will know if we are having a boy or girl by Christmas. Yippee!
Happy Hump Day!!
Old?!?!??! You're younger than me!!!LOL! Glad everything is going OK for you:)
So glad you had a good doctor's appt. Your layouts are fabulous as always girlfriend!
oooohhh WOW Christi it's great to see your work again...and boy you have been cranking out some beauties. Good for you. Such good news on the baby....I can't wait for the week before Christmas to see if it's a boy or a GIRL!!!
Such fab news about the baby and you know we can't wait for you to share the baby pics with us.
Glad to hear everything is going well!!! beautiful layouts too!
Just stumbled onto your blog, and lovin' your work! These layouts are amazing.
Congrats on the baby news too :)
love the pics of the cathedral - all your lo's are beautiful (love the Chatterbox!) Glad to hear all is well with you :)
One of my favorite things is seeing your layouts with UK me so many ideas (although I don't seem to do anything with them....grumble grumble!)
So happy about the good dr. appt. always makes an expecting mom feel better!!
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