I don't have any art to share today...I am deep into an assignment that is going to be late if it doesn't seriously start to come together tonight, but I have faith in my creative muse. I did want to chat with you about a few things though so you will just have to suffer through some ramblings and a few more photos from the last week and a half {either that, or you can go check out the blog links on here...they probably have some art shares today.} ;o)

photo by mom taken at Union Station, St. Louis
This is the photo that I am in the middle of scrapbooking right now. For a layout that was showing such promise last night when I went to bed, it is not coming together as well as I hoped... I have an assignment to do right now that is something that I do on every single layout that I create. I think that I am just overthinking/analyzing the process. Relaxation is the key.
Do you read Rhonna's blog? If not, you should... it is the perfect mix of inspiration and art that I love! This morning she put up this quote (and I wish that I could copy her presentation of it because it is GORGEOUS! Just go over there and take a look at it, but anyway here's the quote:
“...love life, engage in it, give it all you've got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it” Maya Angelou

{I love this photo of Kat that was taken at Budweiser. She is probably looking at a display of how beer is made. LOL!}
Speaking of quotes... {this is the segue into Unity now} Did you hear that Unity Stamp Co. is doing another mega blog hop this weekend? It's a 100 person blog hop featuring the kits of the month and will be up all weekend (starts Friday) so you will have plenty of time to get through them all. It should be really inspirational!

{this photo was also taken at Budweiser. We had just picked up dad at the airport, but she took to him immediately (that NEVER happens) and she was so sleepy. She spent a while this day dozing on him.}
Speaking of fun blogs (you are noticing all the smooth segues here right?) I have recently found some VERY cool inspirational blogs that I have added to my blog reader and thought that you might be interested too.
And while I was on one of these blogs, I discovered a link to this purse. ooooh, I love this. You may have noticed that I have had a bit of an obsession with Kraft paper lately. The linen on here has that exact same effect and I LOVE it! I may just have to treat myself to a new summer purse.

Unfortunately, I have been treating myself a bit too much lately in the area of my crafting so I am officially on a craft-spending freeze for the next 3 months. It is exactly 3 months until my birthday and I am not allowed to buy any more papercrafting supplies until then. You all need to help hold me accountable for this! The only exception to this freeze is the Fiskar's Apron Strings border punch...

... which I have yet to locate. If I find one, that baby is mine!

{another photo by mom at Budweiser}
I also have a couple of other goals over the next 3 months. Mainly I will lose 15 lbs (that's only 5 lbs/month...very do-able) and get in great shape. I have played at this long enough and it is time to take control. I can do this!

A final photo share from when my parents were here. Her second birthday is actually this coming Friday, but we did a little pre-party with her grandparents. I can't believe that she is already going to be two!?!
I did warn you that today's post was going to be random. LOL! Hopefully, I will make it back tomorrow with something a bit more of my norm... if not, you know I will be here Thursday for Hip Hop!

Thanks for rambling, your pictures are adorable. I'm sure your layout will come together as always.
I can't believe you have 15 pounds to lose, you are so skinny and dedicated (still can't get over the 4am workouts, STILL!) lol I'm sure you will be able to do it though, you rock Christi!
Have a wonderful day
HI there Christi... loved seeing all the pics of u and your family.. so cute! I hear u about spending freeze.. I really have to watch what I spend too.. altho yesterday I had fun at JoAnn, did u see my blog?? scroll down.. came home with some fun papers and one awesome stamp! take a look.. good luck with your projects.. I love your blog.and fyi.. DELANEY GATES is one of my friends on fb and in blogland.. she is so inspiring and a real fashionista! hugs
Hi Christi, Thanks for your comment on my card. That photo of your daughter early in the post, would make a gorgeous line art stamp. She is such a doll!!!
Holy Cow, I definitely can't believe our babies are going to be two!! It seems like we were just pregnant :0)
Love all your pictures!! And your rambling!! It's nice to get to know our cyber friends better!
I have that Fiskar's Apron Strings border punch...found it at our Joann's! It was my first border punch!! Love it!
Looking forward to Friday!
hi Christi!
hey I found a site today where you can buy these punches directly from Fiskars! I have been looking for that punch too. I think I'm going to order it from here!
It's only $15 plus 5.95 for shipping. I can't find it anywhere else!
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